Monday, March 19, 2012

Respecting Vaisnavas

Today was a lesson well learned. In the material world, we are conditioned soul and are bound to make mistakes and commit many offenses. We must also learn to be tolerant in difficult sitauations.

Krishna warns us that offending a Vaisnava is a greater offense than committing  an offense against Him. If we commit an offense against a Vaisnava we must go up to that Vaisnava and beg forgiveness. We cannot ask Krsna for forgiveness it has to be through His devotee first, and if that Vaisnava forgives then Krsna forgives.

In the past I have committed many offenses. My biggest downfall is not thinking before I speak but now a days I have gotten a bit better with that over the past year. I am also learning to be a bit more tolerant myself which is another downfall I have. But I feel Krishna is helping me get stronger in these two problems I have. I know He will test me in the near future with tolerance, and thinking before I speak.

Facebook is another bad example because people post things that offend others. This is why I am hesitatant about bringing back my facebook page. I certainly do not want to commit an offense against a Vaisnava. However several devotees want me to bring it back but I won't bring it back unless I have my guru Maharaj's permission. I don't  like doing things without having his consent or permission.

This post is to help others to avoid committing offenses against Vaisnavas. If we committ offenses against Vaisnavas without apologizing to them, then our spiritual life becomes spoiled and we cannot advance. We will fall down from the spiritual platform.

So my helpful advice to others is watch what you say to others who are engaged in the Lord's service, if you bump into them physically touch their shoulder with your right hand, and touch your forhead and apologize to them, try not to interuppt them during japa time or Bhagavatam class, do not do another Vaisnava's service unless they ask for your help or you ask them permission to help them with their service. Be humble and meek even if someone offends you or if the offense is too strong simply walk away from them.

We must avoid blashemy against Vaisnavas as well and also avoid fault finding. The one I have gone through the most was "fault finding."

We must respect Vaisnavas, because they are purely serving the Lotus Feet of the Lord and they want to help others serve Him as well. They can fullfill the desires of everyone if treated with honor and respect.

Today's Darshan Sri Sri Rukmini Dwarkadish 3-19-2012