Well it's nearing the end of my stay here in Toronto. I am feeling pretty upset about it as I don't want to leave it but I know I must to visit family in California and take care of issues back in New Vrndavan. Having Maharaj leave for India was hard enough and now it's going to feel like a double whammy for me leaving this temple.
I have exactly two weeks left, and I'm going to do my best to make the the best of it. I definately will have to relish all the service Maharaj gave to me personally and make sure it gets done without fail. Today I pretty much did service for four or more hours straight, and then took my hour walk at 3pm the normal time. I walked down Avenue Road and made a left at Bloor Street and made my way down Cumberland Street where something was going on. There was a radio station there playing karmi music of course. I also saw ice sculptures up and down the streets. I thought it's too bad they don't have one of Krishna or even Lord Nrsimahadeva. So I just continued on my way heading back to the temple. I am trying my best to get to know Toronto really well before I do make a final move here.
Lately I've been watching Mayapur's webcam hoping to catch glimpses of Maharaj which I do nearly every night. I only see him during Tulasi Puja and announcements. During the announcements I heard him speak about his drama plays that are coming up. A Mataji told me that Maharaj's plays will be recorded and saved on Mayapur's website which I am happy so that I do not miss out on it. So far it looks like Maharaj is doing well there, but sometimes when I go to read his blog he sounds like he's exhausted. I do get concerned about him doing too much all at once.
Didn't really have any realizations today, only when I was doing my service, I saw that Govinda's restaurant needed tiding up so I went in there and did it myself. All the tables and chairs had to be put back in order, and knowing that Maharaj would have wanted it done, I pounced on that service like a kitten would chasing after a ball with a bell in it, trying to think that Maharaj was still in the building and not in Mayapur. That's what I try to do now is pounce on temple service like a kitten chasing after his toy seeing that I still love cats lol. :D
Well we'll see how these last two weeks will go. Association here with the devotees is really great, as my guru Maharaj instructed me to get along with the devotees here which I have no problem with at all. All the devotees here are very friendly and kind and always greet one another with smiles on their faces or even hugs, and of course pranams and obeisances. Another good reason to come back up here, is because the devotees here are so very friendly and open.